Singing Guide: David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi

Singing Guide: David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

David Guetta and Kid Cudi, two prominent musicians and performers, came together in the hit song "Memories" to create a timeless piece of music. This song offers an excellent opportunity for singers to learn how to sing like David Guetta while incorporating Kid Cudi's unique style and technique.

Firstly, pay attention to the overall style and tone of the song. David Guetta is known for his creative and upbeat compositions, while Kid Cudi's music is often characterized by his rougher vocals. To learn to sing like David Guetta in "Memories," it is essential to work on your vocal range and pitch accuracy. To do so, you can utilize Singing Carrot's vocal range test and pitch accuracy test.

Next, work on developing breath support, a fundamental aspect of any singing style. Singing Carrots' article, "Breath Support," provides insight into the importance of breath support and how to improve it. An effective warm-up exercise such as "Farinelli Breathing" can help you sustain breath control and create a resonant sound, similar to David Guetta's style.

In terms of vocal technique, pay attention to David Guetta's unique blend of chest and head tones that create a smooth and silky sound. Singing Carrots' article on "Voice Registers & Vocal Break" can help you understand and reproduce the tones present in "Memories." Additionally, the Singing Carrots' YouTube video "Chest Voice/Voice Registers: Singing Comfort Zone" offers practical tips on achieving accurate and controlled singing.

Lastly, listen closely to Kid Cudi's vocal style and learn from his unique technique. The Singing Carrots' article "Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting" provides a deeper understanding of the different contemporary techniques that can add unique flavor to your singing.

In summary, to learn to sing like David Guetta in "Memories" featuring Kid Cudi, practice vocal range and pitch accuracy, focus on developing breath support, and incorporate a blend of chest and head tones, as well as contemporary techniques such as Heavy Modal, Twang, or Belting. Utilize resources such as Singing Carrots' vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, articles, and YouTube videos to improve your singing skills and achieve the desired results.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.